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Matilde urrutia

He died that same night.ĭuring his life, Neruda accumulated dozens of prizes, including the 1971 Nobel Prize for Literature, but in recent years criticism has appeared from feminist groups over a rape he committed in the 1930s and which he recounted in his book “I Confess That I Have Lived.” He also is criticized for abandoning his only daughter, Malva Marina, because she was born with hydrocephalus. In the middle of the afternoon Neruda asked them to come back quickly. 23, the poet’s wife, Matilde Urrutia, and he were at the mansion to pick up the suitcases that would be taken to Mexico the following day.

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He recalled that on Neruda’s instructions, on Sunday, Sept. Foi até o local, mas não conseguiu registrar o poeta, que havia morrido naquela noite, 23 de setembro. Martínez spoke to AP by phone in 2017, a few days before his death.Īraya told AP last month he still thinks that if Neruda “hadn’t been left alone in the clinic, they wouldn’t have killed him.” The Mexican government offered to fly him and his wife, Matilde Urrutia, out of the country, but he was admitted to the Santa Mara clinic for prostate cancer. The former Mexican ambassador to Chile at the time of the bloody military coup, Gonzalo Martínez Corbalá, told AP on two occasions that he saw Neruda the day before his death and that his body weight was close to 100 kilos (220 pounds). But at that time they said they had not determined what did kill Neruda. By Alessia Musillo bauhaus1000Getty Images Let us remember Capri, Matilde. International forensics experts several years ago rejected the official cause of death as cachexia, or weakness and wasting of the body due to chronic illness - in this case cancer. In Capri, the Bedroom of Neruda and Matilde Urrutia Is a Love Nest of Design A house of our own, Pablo. The public release of the group’s finding has been delayed twice this year, first due to internet connectivity issues of one of the experts and then again because a judge said the panel had yet to reach a consensus. There was no confirmation of Reyes’ comments from forensic experts from Canada, Denmark and Chile who are scheduled to publicly release a report Wednesday on the cause of Neruda’s death.

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The long-stated official position has been that Neruda died of complications from prostate cancer, but the poet’s driver argued for decades that he was poisoned. The revelation by Rodolfo Reyes, a Neruda nephew, is the latest turn in one of the great debates of post-coup Chile. SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) - Forensic experts have determined that Chilean poet Pablo Neruda died of poisoning nearly 50 years ago, a family member of the Nobel Prize winner said Monday.

Matilde urrutia